Arrow Prometheus Leather Jacket
In 2012, a new American Television show premiered in the United States. The superhit series of Arrow introduced a new superhero to the audience. It is famous for its various genres of mystery, action, crime, and adventure which is based on DC comics.
In DC comics Prometheus is a name taken and used by several supervillains. Likewise in Arrow, the character of Prometheus is played by Adrian Chase. The strongest enemy of the superhero of the series Arrow, in which he wants the worst fate of an arrow rather than simply killing him, as per Adrian’s desire arrow needs to be killed mentally first so, his life would be a living hell.
Proceeding to the detailed description of the Arrow Prometheus Jacket which is fabricated in real leather material hence giving you an amazing appearance. Along with viscose inner lining made just to give you security. Front snap-tab with zipper closure, hooded collar, shiny black color, and zipper cuffs would give you a new look altogether.